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For Submissions Look at Guidelines Below

Submission Requirements:


Equilibria accepts exceptional papers by all individuals, with emphasis on undergraduate research of high caliber. 

Submit your work by emailing it to by the deadline of January 16th.


Submissions for Equilibria must include: 


  1. Original research essay

  2. 0–20 pages in length (recommended) 

  3. 12-­point, Times New Roman, double­-spaced, with one inch margins 

  4. In .doc or .docx format, titled “Last name, First name”

  5. Chicago style author-date citations

  6. Chicago style full bibliography


Submission emails should include: 


  1. Sent by 11:59 on January 16th, 2022 by email attachment

  2. Subject title of “Equilibria Submission 2022”

  3. Author’s full name and university(ies) of attendance 

  4. Any acknowledgements relevant to the paper 

  5. High-­resolution, electronic files of any graphics, charts, or formulae (.jpg, .png, .TIFF). 


Please note that you cannot submit work that is already published in any other publication. By submitting, you give Equilibria the right to publish your work and make stylistic edits to your paper.

Thanks for submitting!

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